
From 1st January 2022, Archery GB have changed their policy for coach licence renewal to include the requirement to take part in safeguarding every 3 years. This change gives confidence to children, young people, vulnerable adults, parents and carers that their coaches can deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively.

From 1st October 2022, coaches are now required to take part in tutor-led online or classroom based safeguarding from UK Coaching, as opposed to only self-directed online learning. Coaches are also now required to submit evidence of their safeguarding training online via Sport80 for approval by Archery GB, as opposed to via the county CCO.

You can read more on the Archery GB website: Safeguarding Training

Do I need to do tutor-led training?

Newly qualified coaches will need to complete tutor-led training. Renewing coaches may need to complete tutor-led courses depending on when they last completed a tutor-led course. Detailed information on whether you will need to complete a tutor-led course or not is available in the following document: Safeguarding Training For Coaches

What course do I take?

Coaches over 18

Young coaches aged 16 or 17

How do I upload my safeguarding certificate to Sport80?

To upload your safeguarding certificate to Sport80, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log on to (or email if you have never used Sport80 before)
  2. Click on Qualifications (below Profile and Memberships)
  3. Click on ADD Qualification and ADD Child Protection Course
  4. Add date achieved and click next
  5. Upload copy of certificate and click ADD
  6. Your entry will show as 'Pending Approval' - this will change to 'Current' once it has been approved by the Archery GB Safeguarding team