Continuous Professional Development

All coaches except Level 1 are required to demonstrate CPD in order to renew their coaching licences. Required CPD points vary by grade and there are many different things which can be counted as CPD.

The CPD Matrix on the Archery GB website shows what counts as CPD for qualified coaches and how many points each item counts as:

Required CPD Points

L1 Coach — No CPD points required
Session Coach — 10 points
L2/Development Coach — 15 points
L3/County/Programme Coach — 20 points
L4/Senior Coach — 30 points

Need Help Getting CPD ?

If you need help gaining some additional CPD, we have collected together a series of suggestions below which will help you gain additional CPD.

Please refer to the matrix above for points and bear in mind that self-directed learning online should not account for more than 25% of your CPD points.

Excess CPD points ?

You are allowed to carry forward a limited number of points into your next renewal period. 2 points for L2/Development, 3 points for L3/County, 4 points for L4/Senior.

Child Protection & Safeguarding Course

Attending a child protection course actually counts as 2 CPD points, and now that all licensed coaches need to attend this course every 3 years, you will have automatically gained 2 points towards your CPD requirements under activity code 7.1.1 on the CPD matrix. Find more information and links to suitable courses on our Safeguarding page.

SCAS Coaches Conference 2020

Due to Covid-19 the SCAS Coaches Conference 2020 was run as a series of virtual coaching sessions which are available to watch online. These sessions count as 2 CPD points each under activity code 5.1.1

Session 1: Coaching Archers with Specific Learning Needs
Session 2: Kaizen, the science & art of continuous improvement
Session 3: SCAS: Good Foundations (A new view on postural issues for archers)
Session 4: Choosing your first compound Bow
Session 5: Coaching Field Craft

Archery GB - How To Coach Archery

In this series of 8 videos from Archery GB, Lloyd Brown teaches how to coach archery and highlights specific areas ranging from correct alignment right through to disability archery.

How To Coach Archery: Overview (Episode 1)
How To Coach Archery: Set Up Position (Episode 2)
How To Coach Archery: Draw & Alignment (Episode 3)
How To Coach Archery: Full Draw Position (Episode 4)
How To Coach Archery: Execution (Episode 5)
How To Coach Archery: Skill Acquisition (Episode 6)
How To Coach Archery: Strength & Conditioning (Episode 7)
How To Coach Archery: Disability Archery (Episode 8)

Archery GB - Archery Fitness - Workout Wednesday with Lucy O'Sullivan

This series of 18 archery fitness videos from Lucy O'Sullivan covers a wide range of fitness, strength & conditioning.

World Archery - Training Exercises

This article by World Archery gives you 10 training exercises that will make your archery practice more efficient, you can use these with your archers and the majority of them can be applied to both Recurve and Compound training. A PDF version is available below as well, with links to YouTube videos on training exercises and how to tackle target panic. - Three archery practice exercises to try while shooting arrows - The secret to beating target panic

First Aid Course

Attending a First Aid course counts as CPD points under activity code 1.7.1/1.7.2 depending on the duration of the course. You can find suitable courses from St John Ambulance or the British Red Cross:

Working with more senior coaches

Coaching alongside or working with more senior coaches counts as CPD under activity code 3.3.3. You could approach the HAA senior and county coaches and offer your assistance with courses and sessions. This is a great way to gain CPD and learn new coaching techniques from more qualified coaches.

Changing from Recurve to Compound

This presentation by Gary Critchlow-Smith from the Berkshire Archery Coaching Group discusses switching from Recurve to Compound equipment and covers lots of aspects of Compound bows. As well as the original presentation, there is also a version with additional notes from Gary, plus a final quiz which you can use to test your understanding of the material.

Block vs Random Practice

This video by Trevor Ragan of Train Ugly talks about how to optimize your practise with motor learning. Block practice is the traditional approach to practice which involves a high number of reps repeating the same movement over and over and over again, for example hitting ten golf putts from the same spot. Random practice is an approach that randomises reps so you never do exactly the same thing twice, for example hitting ten golf putts from different spots on the green.

Coaching using the GROW model

This presentation by the Berkshire Archery Coaching Group talks about the GROW model (Goals, Reality, Options, Way Forward) and how it can improve your coaching and empower both you and your archer. It's worth reviewing this a few times over, making your own notes as you go. The GROW model questions from the presentation are available as a separate download to allow you to plan and improve your coaching sessions. Using The Grow Model.pdf Using The Grow Model - Example Questions.docx

Anxiety, Stress, Concentration & Focus

This presentation by Gary and Kathy Critchlow-Smith from the Berkshire Archery Coaching Group looks at anxiety and stress and their symptoms, as well as examing concentration, focus and potential distractions on the shooting line. Although intended from a competitive Head-to-Head perspective, all these things can apply to archers at any level, even beginners to the sport. training workshop_Feb2020.pptx

Using Participant Feedback

Seeking, accepting and using feedback is a skill that can be learnt and practiced. Watch the TED Talk - Using feedback to learn and grow or read the book Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well